5 Signs A Person Is Gradually Going Blind That Should Not Be Taken For Granted


Do you know that there are certain signs that indicate a person is slowly losing his or her sight? The eyes are very sensitive and delicate part of the body and since they are the light of the body, there is need to take whatever signs that pertain the eyes seriously.

In this article, we are going to have a look at some signs that show a person is gradually losing his or sight. There are various diseases that can make a person lose his or her vision, like glaucoma, cataract or even the aftermath of a trauma or blow to the eyes but the only way or chance you have of saving your eyes is detecting the signs early enough. So, sit tight and enjoy this piece while learning something new.

What Are The Signs That Show A Person Is Gradually Losing His or Her Vision?

1. Severe and sudden eye pain is one of the most serious signs of eye disease that has a potentiality to cause total vision loss. If you start noticing terrible pain in the eyes, then there’s a possibility that you’re about losing your vision.

2. Seeing Flashes or rainbows around lights. This is otherwise referred to as seeing halos around lights and it is one of the urgent signs of eye disorder caused by glaucoma. People suffering from glaucoma that is capable of causing immediate vision loss often see halos around lights, so endeavour not to take this for granted.

3. Seeing a curtain like covering on both or one eye. This is another sign that you’re about losing your vision and the earlier you get to see an opthalmologist, the better for you.

4. Sudden development of persistent floaters in the eyes could also be a sign that you’re slowing losing your vision. Floaters can appear due to nearsightedness but if you discover that your floaters are not just persistent but also starts increasing more regularly than normal, do well to book an appointment with an eye doctor.

5. Unusual, Painful sensitivity to light. This is another negative sign of eye problems that could cause total vision loss that should not be swept under the carpet. If you suddenly develop painful sensitivity to light, then, you may need to see a doctor for better checkup and ways of handling the problem.

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Source: Vision Care.Org

Content created and supplied by: ErickssonDGreat (via Opera
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