Top ANC heavyweight in custody after Rape allegations. SAn’s divided by GBV


What began as a routine ANC Youth League (ANCYL) caucus meeting at the University of South Africa in Pretoria turned violent when one of the league’s senior members was detained for suspected rape. The guy, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, has subsequently resigned from his full-time employment with one of Gauteng’s government ministries after the filing of the complaint.In his statement, the man said he was resigning from both positions so he could focus on the case. Photo: File

Following the filing of the rape charge on Friday, the man surrendered to the South Australian Police Service at Sunnyside, where he is being kept. He also resigned immediately from the ANCYL provincial task committee. Tuesday is when the alleged rape occurred. The individual said in his statement that he was leaving from both employment to concentrate on the lawsuit.

“As an activist, I am opposed to all types of female and child abuse. This is why I am pledging to help with any inquiry launched against me,” he said. “As a result, I will surrender to the local police station to begin the process of clearing my name.”See the source image

The Gauteng ANCYL denounced the crime and expressed sympathy for the victim. “As the nation observes 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the ANCYL in Gauteng has learned with dismay and contempt of sexual assault charges leveled against the provincial task team member,” the statement stated.

“The plague of gender-based violence robs women of their physical integrity and leaves survivors with long-lasting pain. “It is thus critical that we, as the ANCYL in Gauteng, stand with the victim and guarantee that abusers face the full force of the law, regardless of their social standing,” it said. The Gauteng ANCYL applauded the accused’s decision to quit from both posts. It said that the subject will be sent to the provincial disciplinary body for further investigation.See the source image

“Incidents of sexual violation should be dealt with with the zeal and care they merit. As such, we are shamelessly on the victim’s side,” the statement said. “These kind of incidents are a symptom of profoundly ingrained toxic masculinity, sexism, and a terrible rape culture that seems to flourish in male-dominated settings such as political organizations.” Tomorrow, the guy is expected to appear in court.


ANCYL provincial leader in custody after alleged rape | Citypress (

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ANC Youth League


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