Cars with the worst reputations in Kenya.


When you want to buy a car in Kenya, you have to be very keen on how it is perceived. This is mainly because most people in Kenya will treat you depending on the car that you drive. If you drive a big machine such as a Benz, you will be awarded more respect compared to someone who drives a Toyota vitz or Nissan March. Below are some vehicles with the worst reputations in Kenya.

The Toyota Probox is very famous in Kenya. This is mainly because it is very reliable and efficient. If you are planning to own a Toyota Probox then you really need to think twice. This is because Probox drivers are known to misuse this vehicle by overloading and overspeeding.

The Toyota Noah is one of the best MPVs that you can buy in Kenya. This is is because this vehicle is perfect for transportation business as it can carry both passengers and cargo. If you are thinking of buying a Toyota Noah then you have to be very keen. This is because most Toyota Noah drivers are known to overspeed as they are competing with the matatu drivers.

3. Toyota Mark X.

Toyota Mark X is a very stylish car that looks very classy. Even though the production of this excellent sedan ceased in 2019, you can still find a brand new Toyota mark X in Kenya. The reason why this car has a bad reputation is because its drivers are known to show road users the prowess of this vehicle’s V6 engine.

4. Subaru Forester.

The Subaru Forester is one of the best crossovers that you can buy in Kenya. However if you want the old generation then you have to think twice. This is because the old generation of the Subaru Forester is famous in Kenya for speed. This is because most people who tend to drive the old model are known to overspeed and can easily race with any road iser just to prove that they are faster.

5. Subaru Impreza.

Subaru Impreza is one of the cheapest used cars that you can buy in Kenya. This car is very efficient and relatively reliable. Even though this car is good in all aspects, its drivers are also known for overspeeding and pulling dangerous stunts on the roads.

Content created and supplied by: Castrio (via Opera
News )

Toyota Noah


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