Six ways you can cut down on alcohol this festive season Eve woman


 This festive season it is important to choose the people you hang out with (Image: Shutterstock)

Christmas holidays are the perfect excuse to eat and drink to your heart’s fill. I mean, that diet and work out plan can take a chill pill just this time of the year as you get to enjoy the holidays.

Drinking and festivities are two things that have always been associated with each other and during these holiday seasons, people tend to choose social drinking as a way of relaxing with friends and family.

While many people enjoy a glass of wine or two, there are still others who might want to reduce on how much they’re drinking or completely stop.

Maybe your goal is to live a healthier life since you’ve experienced some negative health impacts of drinking or it could be that you just want to move on without alcohol as the New Year approaches.

Your reasons for cutting back on the booze are valid. This is how you can turn things around this time for good:

  • Hang out with the right people

Peer pressure, as cliché as it sounds, is actually something that still affects people even in adulthood. It’s human nature to want to fit in and that means you’re likely to pick up the habits of those you spend time with.

Hanging around people who drink excessively will make it hard for you to achieve any milestones so you should definitely think twice.

  • Consider how much you are saving

Drinking is a very expensive activity. It can get so bad to a point where it pushes someone to borrow money for the sake of popping some expensive bottles.

There comes a time where you have to decide whether drinking is more important than securing yourself financially.

It’s better to miss out on the fun when you know you’re on the right track when it comes to saving money. The less you spend on alcohol the more you will realize you have saved up for essentials and investment options.

Leaving a party early is one of the hardest things to do. I may sound like a party pooper right now but hear me out. People will wonder why you want to go when the party is just getting started and it’s not easy to say goodbye to friends or relatives you haven’t seen in a while.

Either way, you have to remember that the goals you’ve set for yourself are very crucial and sometimes you have to sacrifice.

Choose to get a cab home early so that you don’t end up getting hammered or leave before the drinking starts if you don’t want to drink at all.

A quick way to help you cut back on the drinking is buying your own bottle whenever you’re going for a party.

Going the BYOB way is better because you’re free to select drinks that have low alcohol content or those that are alcohol-free depending on where you are on your journey. This way, you will be able to enjoy the festive season without compromising on your goals.

You can slowly sip your alcohol-free sparkling wine and still party the night away comfortably.

Alcohol can be very addictive. Some people are able to maintain moderation but for others it’s more of an unhealthy dependency.

Although not everyone is dealing with alcoholism, it’s always better to consume moderately especially since it can lead to health issues.

You have to be serious about the decision you’re making because that is what will make others respect your choices.

The festive season is always packed with parties, events and get-togethers. You can be sure to be called for a hangout almost every weekend and many of them will most definitely involve alcohol.

Since your plan is to drink less, it’s better to be choosy on which parties you’re going to. You should try and analyze which events will lead to drinking regrets and which ones will actually help you have the right kind of fun.

This will reduce the temptation to overindulge.

Source: The Standard Media Kenya


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