Our appeal to FIFA is not about the penalty


South Africa FA president, Danny JordaanSouth Africa FA president, Danny Jordaan

SAFA president clarifies the focus of South Africa’s appeal

SAFA held a press briefing to address their protest to FIFA

SAFA report referee Ndiaye Maquette to FIFA over poor performance in defeat to Ghana

South Africa Football Association (SAFA) president, Danny Jordan, has said the focus of their appeal is not the most talked-about penalty call but the overall performance of match official Ndiaye Maquette.

SAFA have officially written a complaint to FIFA after their 1-0 loss to Ghana, in which they believe the centre referee performed poorly, which needs to be looked at.

The association held a press conference in the early hours of Wednesday, November 17, where they gave updates regarding the appeal to FIFA.

Speaking at the presser, Jordan established the focus of their protest to the highest football governing body.

“We made it clear. Our position is not about the penalty; our position is about the performance of the referee in the entire match. So again, we must not divert that we are raising the issue of the penalty. We are raising the issue of the performance of the referee. That is the issue. So, this is neither here nor there at the moment in the context of our protest to FIFA,” he said

The SAFA chief also said that their analysis from last Sunday’s game showed most of the wrong decisions were against Bafana Bafana.

“What we have done today is that we’ve made a detailed analysis of the match. We have found that 89 per cent of wrong decisions were made against Bafana Bafana. It can’t be right,” he added.


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