If I Meet Mr. Right, I Will Delete All My Social Media Accounts In A Heartbeat


Actress Princess Shyngle has claimed that she will delete her social media accounts in a heartbeat if she meets Mr. Right and he asks her to delete them.

We all know Princess Shyngle is a social media freak and apparently can’t do without social media for a very long time but is willing to delete her social media accounts in a heartbeat if she finds Mr. Right and he asks her to delete her accounts.

Princess Shyngle shared a post saying if she meets Mr. Right and he’s uncomfortable with being on social media, she’s ready to delete all her social media accounts just to make him happy even though she’s a social media freak.

According to her, she will do this in a heartbeat but only for Mr. Right though, and not any other man that comes her way asking ladies if they will delete their social media account for their men and make them happy.

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Netizens reacting to her post drew our attention to the fact that any man who asks you to do something to please him or pick him isn’t Mr. Right as Mr. Right will love you for who you are and not demand that you choose him over yourself.

This post of Princess Shyngle goes in relation to the question ‘how many things can you do in a lifetime to keep a man happy’ even if it’s at the expense of your own happiness and what happens if things end between you two?

screenshot below;

Source: www.GHgossip.com


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