UTAG hints of strike resumption following ‘government’s unfulfilled promises’


General News of Thursday, 30 September 2021

Source: gbcghanaonline.com


UTAG agreed a month ago to suspend its strike to enter negotiations with governmentUTAG agreed a month ago to suspend its strike to enter negotiations with government

The University Teachers Association of Ghana, UTAG, has hinted at a resumption of its industrial action due to the non-resolution of members’ conditions of service.

The government, UTAG said, was unable to meet their demands at a crunch meeting on Monday, September 27, 2021.

President of the University of Ghana branch of UTAG, Dr. Samuel Nkumbaan told GBC’s Nathaniel Nartey, that the situation is worrying, especially as UTAG reviewed its demands prior to the meeting.

The said meeting was attended by the Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Adu Twum, Deputy Minister of Finance Abena Asare and representatives from the Ministry of Employment.

He said UTAG would convene a meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2021 to determine its next line of action, which would include a resumption of the strike.


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