Asante Kotoko offload 8 key players; find out who is involved


Sports News of Tuesday, 28 September 2021



Kumasi Asante KotokoKumasi Asante Kotoko

Management of Asante Kotoko have informed have decided to offload eight players ahead of the commencement of the 2021/2022 season.

According to report, the eight players have been informed they are not in the plans of the new technical team led by Coach Prosper Narteh Ogum.

Deputy skipper, Emmanuel Gyamfi, Habib Mohammed, Godfred Asiamah, Latif Anabila, Adom Frimpong, Ibrahim Osman, Emmanuel Frimpong and Emmanuel Sarkodie have been told to look elsewhere as they will no longer be part of the team.

The club after signing new eight players have rendered the aforementioned players surplus to requirements.

Asante Kotoko have already signed eight players namely Clinton Opoku, Richmond Lamptey, Maxwell Agyemang, Samuel Boateng, Isaac Oppong, Richard Boadu, Augustine Agyapong and Samuel Appiah.

The Porcupine Warriors under the headship of Prosper Narteh Ogum are determined to form a strong team after ending the 2020/21 season without a trophy.


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