“It Is Advisable For Every Man To Marry Two Women”-Oboy Siki Says [Video]


Kumawood actor, Oboy Siki has said that it is advisable for every man to marry at least two women at a time provided they have the means and capability to cater for their needs.


Speaking in an interview with Zionfelix on the Uncut show, Oboy Siki revealed that marrying women at a time was the best decision he ever took in his life because the wives are always humble.

According to him, when a woman realizes that she has a competition whom she shares the same man, she will humble herself just to keep the man at her side at all times. He said that the wives will always give the man the best treatment in order not to be bored with them and move to the other wife.

Oboy Siki revealed that aside from being married to two women, he has children with other women outside his marriage, making it a total of nine kids of which one is late.

Watch the interview below:

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Source: Ghgossip.com


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