Lead crusade to restore moral values — Very Rev Ledo


Former Moderator, E.P. Church, Ghana (EPCG), Very Rev J.Y. LedoFormer Moderator, E.P. Church, Ghana (EPCG), Very Rev J.Y. Ledo

A former Moderator of the E.P. Church, Ghana (EPCG), Very Rev J.Y. Ledo, has urged the media to lead a crusade to restore moral values among the citizenry, especially the youth.

He said that an imminent situation of chaos and strife was looming over the country as the signposts to moral conduct have all fallen on the ground.

Rev Ledo was speaking at the launch of the 25th anniversary of the Volta Star Radio (VSR) of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) in Ho, on Wednesday.

The anniversary which will be climaxed with a durbar in Ho on November 16, this year, has the theme: “25 Years of Radio Broadcasting, The Socio-Cultural Effect on Listeners.”

The former Moderator of the EPCG who was one of the main speakers at the function said that the insatiable lust for money among young people in the contemporary Ghanaian society, who wanted to get rich overnight without working, also posed a very bleak future for the country.

In the growing absence of morality, he noted, murder and violent crimes were on the increase in the country where widespread corruption on the part of people on authority was causing intense bitterness among the citizenry.

Rev Ledo sought to know what on earth would compel teenagers to club their playmate to death in the hope of using his body parts for rituals to get rich and said that such acts projected nothing but fear and insecurity for the nation.

He commended the VSR for reaching out to the target audience in local languages as well and said that the campaign to restore morality in the country definitely required concerted efforts.

Earlier, John Gadawusu, acting Volta Regional Director of the GBC, said that the frequent breakdown of obsolete transmitters and the huge cost of electricity were among the factors posing challenges for the station.

He said that there was the need for other stakeholders, such as corporate bodies, chiefs, community leaders, religious bodies, and public-spirited individuals from the Volta Region and beyond, to help the station in various ways to continue its public service broadcast mandate smoothly.

Meanwhile, S. Dzokoto, a seasoned journalist and representative of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) in the Volta Region applauded VSR for its highly educative and development-oriented programmes, saying that the station had proved over the years to be a great tool for social mobilization.


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