With Hindsight, I Wouldn’t Have Granted Bandits Amnesty – Masari


 With Hindsight, I Wouldn’t Have Granted Bandits Amnesty – Masari
Aminu Masari

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Masari has expressed that with the recent activities of bandits and information now at his disposal, he wouldn’t have granted amnesty to bandits as he did years back.

The governor stated this in an interview on Channels Television’s Politics Today.

He insisted that he doesn’t regret his action but previous efforts in 2016 and 2019 have obviously not yielded any positive result.

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“I don’t regret it, the only thing I say is with the benefits of hindsight, I wouldn’t have done it. Because at that time when we started in 2016, there were leaders but gradually all the leaders were eliminated, that was the failure of the first round,” the governor said.

“The second round after the 2019 election didn’t see the light of the day. We tried but then we realised that, ‘who are you talking to?’ They are not under the same umbrella. They are not pushing for any religious belief. They are just bandits, criminals, and thieves.”


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