Shatta Wale is the strongest Ghanaian artiste spiritually reason no one can bring him down – Eagle Prophet » ™


Rev. Reindolph Oduro Gyebi of God’s Crown Chapel fame has stated categorically that Ghana’s very own Shatta Wale remains the strongest artiste on spiritual grounds.

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In the voice of Rev. Reindolph Oduro Gyebi who bears the name Eagle Prophet as his moniker, Shata Wale is spiritually strong and as such, no human being can succeed in burying his career.

Speaking on the Angel Fm Entertainment show monitored by, Eagle Prophet revealed;

“Shatta Wale after changing his name from Bandana is now strong in the spiritual realm and it will be difficult for someone or any artiste to bury his career. Shatta was producing better songs when he was Bandana but they never became hits and never had a hit song because he wasn’t spiritually strong at that time.”

“Now all Shatta Wale songs are hit because he is spiritually strong and there is a certain spirit pushing his songs to make them hit,” he added.

In similar news, Prophet Elisha Salifu Amoako somewhere in January 2021 made Ghanaians privy to the willingness of God to use Shatta Wale as one of his messengers basically to preach the gospel and win souls for God.

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