No teacher has impregnated 3 students


The GES in the KEEA has denied the claims, describing it as without basisThe GES in the KEEA has denied the claims, describing it as without basis

• The KEEA GES has responded to claims that a teacher has impregnated three girls from the same class

• The claim was said to have been made by a certain lecturer with the University of Cape Coast

• The story has since been denied and said to be without any basis

Ghana Education Service has denied the report that a teacher in the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem (KEEA) municipality has impregnated three girls in the area.

Early this week, it was reported that a lecturer with the University of Cape Coast Counselling Centre, Dr Kyeremeh Tawiah Dabone, had said that a teacher in the KEEA, had impregnated three girls in the same class.

According to Dr Kyeremeh, the situation was threatening the future prospects of the young girls in the municipality, adding that a formal complaint has been lodged against the teacher for appropriate sanctions to be applied against him.

But the GES has denied the speculations, insisting that the story is without basis, has reported.

Mrs. Cecilia Aboagye, who is the Municipal Director of Education at KEEA, according to, said they have been worried about the news since it went out because of how unsubstantiated it is.

She added that the news has also brought the name of her municipality into disrepute, particularly because the media did not do due diligence in crosschecking the details of the story first before going ahead to publish it.

“The story does not say which school or community; nothing to substantiate the claim. Yet, news organisations keep publishing and discussing it for which reason I do not know,” the frustrated director said.

In the past two years since she became the director of the area, she added, she has never received any such complaint.

“We also have our own systems of picking up some of these cases and so far, nothing has been picked up in any school in any community in the municipality,” she continued.

In any case, she said there are GES sanctions for any such culprits who breach the code of conduct of the Service.

Mrs Cecilia Aboagye also stated that the said lecturer to whom the claims were attributed to, has also denied the story.

“The lecturer himself has denied ever saying that the incident happened or that it happened in the KEEA municipality. If any incident like that has happened anywhere, he should tell the world where it happened,” she stated.


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