Youth and Sports Minister inspects UG Stadium sites


Sports News of Thursday, 19 August 2021

Source: GNA


Ussif Mustapha, Minister for Youth and Sports and others in a group photographyUssif Mustapha, Minister for Youth and Sports and others in a group photography

Ussif Mustapha, Minister for Youth and Sports, has inspected the ongoing works at the University of Ghana Stadium sites ahead of the 2023 African Games.

The delegation from the Youth and Sports Ministry led by the Minister met with Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, Acting Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana, to discuss the utilization of the University’s facilities towards the hosting of the 13th African Games in 2023.

Both delegations inspected the works ongoing at the University Ghana Sports Stadium which is expected to host Games.

The Minister also inspected the rugby field, the warm track, capacity expansion, and other facilities that are being redeveloped to meet the standard capable of hosting the African Games in 2023.

During the tour, the Minister was confident that the stadium would be ready in time for the utilization of our athletes towards the hosting and organization of the 13th African Games in Ghana.

The University of Ghana is expected to be the Games village and will host Field and Track events as well as football matches.


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