Go for mental check-up before you agree to marry – Would-be couples advised


File photo: Wedding

Takoradi-based lawyer, Fiifi Buckman, has said that couples should go for mental check-up before going into marriage or quit deadly relationships.

He said this will prevent incidents such as being maimed or killed at the expense of the children involved.

Speaking on Connect FM, Mr Buckman opined that some relationships had a false start with intermittent inaction, for example, from men who persistently inquire about calls their women receive at a particular time.

“Some pre-marriage indicators of bad marriage are that the men out of extreme jealousy frequently ask who was on the phone with the would-be partners anytime they get a phone call, sometimes it may result in violence but never predict a change when you marry such a person,” he pointed out.

Referring to the recent spousal killings going on around the country, the solicitor hinted that some men keep deadly weapons such as knives, pistols, acid to threaten their would-be partners during courtship and those who behave violently cannot change when they enter into marriage.

Mr Buckman prescribed mental check-ups for would-be partners before tying the knot because some of these men and women behave like mad people.



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