PDP Has Already Conceded Defeat, Says APC


2023: PDP Has Already Conceded Defeat, Says APC
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The All Progressives Congress (APC) has stated that the recent outbursts by the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) were a clear indication that it has already conceded defeat ahead of the 2023 general elections.

This assertion was contained in a statement titled, ‘2023: APC will not learn PDP’s bad habits on election fraud, Says CECPC Secretary,’ signed by the National Secretary of the party, Senator John Akpanudoedehe, in Abuja, on Monday.

He stated this in a response to an earlier statement by the PDP accusing the APC of planning to rig the 2023 election.

Also Read: 2023: We Will Not Learn PDP’s Bad Habits On Election Fraud — APC

He said, “The idle conspiracies and wild allegations being bandied by the PDP on the procurement of e-voting machines and plans to rig the 2023 elections, is a clear testimony that the PDP has already conceded election defeat long before the 2023 electioneering process.

“In its desperate bid to remain in the public reckoning, the PDP has recently resorted to many diversionary activities, including the recent misguided court case instituted against the national caretaker leadership of the APC which has been generally dismissed as an abuse of court process.

“The PDP has now issued an irrational and baseless statement on imagined plans to rig the 2023 general elections. The PDP is clearly unsettled and afraid of the APC’s widespread popularity.

“Hence, the PDP’s imaginary, baseless and concocted allegations of a plan to rig the 2023 elections. The APC will not learn the PDP’s bad habits on election fraud.”


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