Amerado is under a curse has for joining Kumerica trend after disowning Kumasi in 2019 – Nana Frimpong Ziega backs Obibini » ™


Highly opinionated Kumasi-based showbiz critic in the person of Nana Frimpong Ziega has stated emphatically that Amerado has cursed himself for joining the Kumerica trend after disowning his roots in Kumasi.

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Nana Frimpong Ziega revealed that “in 2019, Amerado stood in Accra and disowned Kumasi saying he is not an artiste of Kumasi and doesn’t represent Kumasi during his interview with a certain radio station in Accra”

So, commenting on Amerado and Obibini beef on Kumasi-based Angel Entertainment show, Nana Frimpong Ziega sided with Obibini for saying Amerado is not part of the Kumerica trend.

“Majority of Kumasi artistes are now living in Accra but they have never cursed Kumasi land by saying something bad about Kumasi or disowning Kumasi but Amerado has cursed the land of Kumasi for disowning Kumasi during his interview,” Nana Frimpong Ziega said.

“Amerado after saying ill about Kumasi and disowning Kumasi has sneaked to join the Kumerica trend as if he is part of the Kumerica”

Nana Frimpong Ziega explained that “We don’t have a problem with Kumasi artistes who are now living in Accra but we will have problem with those who will speak ill and disown Kumasi like Amerado”

“Amerado should apologize to Kumasi and retract his statement else he has downloaded curses to his career and he will struggle to become a hit”.

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