Akothee bids Nelly Oaks goodbye in emotional post


Singer Akothee and Nelly Oaks.

Self-proclaimed President of Single Mothers Esther Akoth, popularly known as Akothee, was overwhelmed with emotions yesterday, Sunday, August 8, following the departure of her former manager cum boyfriend, Nelly Oaks.

Bidding him farewell in a moving social media post, Akothee confessed that she detests saying goodbye to Nelly, adding that she and the children will miss him terribly while away.

“I hate goodbyes. We had missed you, my love, now we will miss you more. The boys had not seen you for a year, felt like a decade. We love you @nellyoaks safe flight, honey,” she wrote.

The bubbly social media sensation also took to his social media to wish Akothee and the children well in their endeavours, reminding them to stay happy, positive, and motivated.

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ALSO READ: Nelly Oaks is the king in my life now, says Akothee

“No matter how far away you are from me, I want you to stay happy, positive, and motivated @akotheekenya and my boys. Take care of yourself. Goodbye!” he wrote.

According to the Oyoyo crooner, her youngest son, Oyoo, seemed most saddened by Nelly’s departure as he did not believe he would be back soon.

“Difficult for kids always to part with a kind person @oyootheprince is not buying the fact that @nellyoaks will be back,” she said.

Akothee and Nelly rekindled their love not too long ago after spending months apart.

Professing her love to her once manager in a previous post, Akothee warned netizens against criticising her decision to date Nelly, stating that he is the man she wants to be with. 

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ALSO READ: I only want my kids and Nelly Oaks next to my death bed – Akothee

“Do not get it twisted, love is a beautiful thing. @nellyoaks is the man in my life now. The rest are my past and left gifts that we share. The cake now belongs to him and him alone. In case we break up, I will be sure to inform you all. I love him to death. I believe and can feel that he loves me too. Having a past failed relationship does not mean I won’t date,” she wrote.

Since coming out publicly to proclaim their love for each other, the duo has done nothing but give netizens sleepless nights with their undeniable online chemistry. As their relationship progresses, the singer-turned-businesswoman hopes to have more children with Nelly and expand her family.

“I am having two children for him soon. And if he dumps me or whatever the case, he will also belong to my baby daddy list, I will still give him the same love and respect as the rest who left. A friend, a partner, and a soul mate,” Akothee added. ?

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