10 cute questions you can ask your crush through text message


(Picture Credit: TimesOfIndia)

Having a crush on someone and not having the courage or time to approach the person can be very frustrating. If the person is a busy type or you are the shy type, then your frustration is definitely on another level.

However, text message can be a very convenience way to break the ice. You can also get to know if the person likes back during text messaging. Using text message will give you much more confidence, you will be able to say things that you may not have had the courage to say face to fact.

Yes, sending text messages and getting replies can be complicating and boring, you can spice it up with some cute questions.

These few cute questions can make your text messaging experience a little less complex and can also work the magic.

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1. What Makes You Quit A Relationship?

This is one of the best questions to ask your crush, you will get to discover if they like you or not based on the reply you will get. This question is giving you a direct passage to talk about relationship with your crush.

2. Which Is That Thing That Annoys You Easily?

This question keeps the conversation going, because it is not too personal, your crush will be inclined to answer you. It also helps you to know the temperamental part of your crush. Try asking this question and see your crush’s reponse.

3. What matters to you most, money or love?

Want to know about your crush’s relationship believe? Ask this question. This is one of the questions that both looks funny and very important. It keeps the conversation interesting and also gives you more information about your crush.

4. What is your biggest turn-on?

Once in a while you should add some funky element to the conversation and this is a perfect way to do that. Try this flirty question so that you will know if there is an emotional tension between the two of you or not. Some people may not want to answer, do not insist if they don’t.

5. Do you like travelling for holidays?

One of the questions that never gets old is this question, it keeps the conversation going and also helps you know more about your crush. Perhaps you both can plan a holiday together.

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6. What is that thing that you can eat for the rest of your life?

This question can give you an opportunity of asking your crush out for a dinner date depending on the answer you get. It also opens a channel for more conversations, you guys can talk a little about the food you love to it. Try this question as you keep the conversation engaging and passionate.

7. Have you ever been cheated on and how did you deal with it?

This is a bit more deep question that you can ask your crush, this affords you the opportunity to know their emotional strength and maturity. Be careful how you ask this question as some people may find it offensive. Observe your crush’s mood before asking this question.

8. Do you like hanging out or staying indoors?

One way to help plan your dates is to ask this question. This question can help you plan exciting dates with your crush, you both can talk about the places you like after asking this question.

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9. What music do you love so much?

This question eases the pressure on your crush and also brings back their attention if they were losing interest. This is one of the questions that keeps the conversation going, it also gives you a hint on the song you can play for them when you both are together, it also opens up a channel to talk more on music.

10. Do you believe in soulmates?

Ask this question and you have afforded yourself an opportunity to talk about more deeper and personal issues. You both can now share your relationship views, opinions and experiences. This is one of the deep questions to ask your crush. There are other cute questions but these 10 are what I am talking about for now.


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