Alleged instigator Ngizwe Mchunu evaded police in a private jet, he is a flight risk, NPA tells court


By Loyiso Sidimba Time of article publishedJul 28, 2021

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Johannesburg – The bail hearing of former Ukhozi FM and SABC television presenter Ngizwe Mchunu continued in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court in Johannesburg on Wednesday.

The State is opposing Mchunu’s bail application.

Mchunu, who handed himself over to the police last week, is facing a charge of incitement of violence and two charges of contravening regulations promulgated in terms of the Disaster Management Act to fight the spread of Covid-19.

Prosecutor Yusuf Baba argued before Magistrate Gayle Pretorius that Mchunu was a flight risk after flying to Lanseria Airport in Johannesburg in a private jet and evaded the police, who were looking for him after a warrant had been issued for his arrest.

Baba said Mchunu did not live at the address he gave to the police.

On Tuesday afternoon, the court started watching videos of Mchunu’s so-called “state of the nation” address at the KwaMai Mai market in Johannesburg.

In one of the videos shown in court, Mchunu is heard admitting that the police were looking for him.

Last week, convicted former #FeesMustFall activist Bonginkosi Khanyile, who also described himself as the spokesperson for Mchunu’s family, defended him, claiming the malls were looted because the government was presiding over hungry people.

”That is the reason why people looted. The arrest of former president Jacob Zuma gave the platform for people go and loot. Now you come and charge a single individual.

“That damage which was created in the country, you say it was because of Ngizwe Mchunu. It is very unfair, it is very political what is happening to him, and it is very dumbfounding, and if such thing in a country where democracy is supposed to prevail, we are very worried,” said Khanyile.

He also said Mchunu was among those who called out the looters and asked that the violence must stop.

According to Khanyile, the charges against Mchunu were politically motivated.

Political Bureau


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