‘Politicised’ Oman FM and Power FM, worst violators of media ethics


Oman and Power FM are affiliated to the ruling NPP and opposition NDC respectivelyOman and Power FM are affiliated to the ruling NPP and opposition NDC respectively

• Radio stations affiliated to political parties are worst violators of media ethics

• This was contained in a media monitoring report released by MFWA

• Findings were reached after some radio, news websites and newspapers were monitored over a year

Radio stations affiliated to political parties have been identified as the worst violators of media ethics in Ghana, according to a 12-month monitoring report.

The report titled: “MONITORING OF MEDIA ETHICS IN GHANA” was published by the Media Foundation For West Africa. The search was conducted between June 2020 and May 2021.

The report which cut across three media spheres – radio, newspapers and news portals – identified over 2,700 infractions out of over 22,000 reports monitored over the period.

26 media establishments were sampled: 10 Twi speaking radio stations, 10 nespapers and six online news portals.

General findings

Number of media content monitored = 22,271

Ethical violations recorded = 2,710

Number of media that recorded violation = 22 out of the 26 monitored

Out of the total 2,710 ethical violations

Radio = 1,754 violations (65%)

News websites = 906 violations (33%)

Newspapers = 50 (2%)

Top violators

Radio stations recorded 1754 violations. Pro-National Democratic Congress radio station Power FM recorded the highest number of violations with 714 incidents. This is followed by Oman FM, a pro-New Patriotic Party radio station, with 644 violations.

Accra FM secured third position with 105 counts of violations, the report noted.

On the part of news websites, GhanaWeb was the worst violator followed by Myjoyonline and Modern Ghana in that order.

Daily Guide, The Ghanaian Times and The Daily Searchlight completed the top three top newspaper violators in that order.

The subject of politicians owning media outfits or these outfits openly aligning to them has been a topic that has long been discussed as a potential threat to Ghana’s democracy.

The most recent submission on the issue was by ace broadcast journalist, Kwami Sefa Kayi.

Speaking in an interview on Peace FM’s ‘Entertainment Review,’ program in late June 2021, Sefa Kayi bemoaned the low standards in journalism as a result of the influx of media stations.

To him, the unprofessionalism in and low standards of journalism are largely due to politicians owning media stations.

“What do they need it for?” he questioned.

”There are some characters on radio and Television who should not be there. There are some people who own media who should have no business owning media . . . politicians have exhibited to us over time that those who own TV and radio, half the time, use it for useless things but Ghana is country which we fear telling the truth. We fear that we will be insulted or people will talk about us but let’s be honest.

“Most of the politicians owning radio and Television stations use it to do useless things. They insult and say things which will bring about divisions but we’re all sitting aloof and watching . . . That’s why many people feel the radio and TV job is just about talking,” he argued.


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