Abraham Kotei Neequaye elected as president of Ghana Boxing Authority


Boxing News of Thursday, 22 July 2021

Source: 3news.com


Abraham Kotei Neequaye, new president of the Ghana Boxing AuthorityAbraham Kotei Neequaye, new president of the Ghana Boxing Authority

Abraham Kotei Neequaye is the new president of the Ghana Boxing Authority after edging a close election on Thursday at the Bukom Boxing Arena in Accra.

The NDC Parliamentary candidate who contested and lost the Okaikoi South Constituency seat during the 2020 General Elections secured 54 votes, beating off Henry Manly-Spain who polled 46 of the total 100 votes cast.

He replaces Peter Zwennes who after eight years in charge decided not to seek a third term.

Neequaye will lead GBA for the next four years with able support from new executive.

Rabbon Doodo and respected referee Roger Bannor stood unopposed and have been confirmed as 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents respectively.

Patrick Johnson retained his position as General Secretary and Lord Acquaye as Treasurer.

The following people have also been elected onto the GBA Executive Board:

Michael NeeQuaye

Shadrack Acquaye

Carl Lokko

Alhaji Toufik


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