5 things Covid-19 travel has taught me


By Clinton Moodley Time of article publishedJul 22, 2021

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I am pretty sure you never thought people would still be talking about the Covid-19 pandemic a year and a half later.

Most believed it was a phase that would slowly fade or at least become less of a problem problematic. Unfortunately, while many of us want nothing more than to overcome the pandemic, it’s not going away anytime soon.

Despite the tragedy brought by the virus, it also taught me a few lessons. Here are 5:

Travel is precious

When the borders closed and people were at home, many of us realised how much we took travel for granted. For example, those long drives to the airport, waiting in the security line and boarding the flight were once cumbersome activities. I dreaded it with a passion. Now, I relish it. Next time you travel, enjoy the journey, even the aspects you despise, as the travel landscape is ever changing.

South Africa boasts international worthy attractions

With nowhere to go internationally (most countries imposed travel bans on South Africa), many of us relied on our country to offer us some wanderlust. Of course, most complained that trips were costly, comparing the prices to international getaways, but many ventured out. I found that SA is home to some remarkable, internationally worthy attractions. I didn’t need to travel across the world to enjoy world-class beaches, cuisine or landmarks, South Africa offered it all. While we are unsure when countries will reopen, take advantage of the offerings in your backyard.

Booking trips are not as expensive

To add to my earlier point, booking trips within South Africa isn’t as costly as one perceives it to be. Of course, it all depends on the type of accommodation you choose, the amenities, activities and other enticing offerings that come with a trip, but you are bound to find the best deal to suit your pocket.

Travel insurance is necessary

When hundreds of thousands of people were stranded abroad at the start of the pandemic, most struggled to get back home because they had not taken out travel insurance.

However, taking travel insurance isn’t as simple as booking a flight ticket or accommodation. It takes time to choose a cover that will protect you should an emergency arise during your trip. Be sure to read your travel insurance documents and ask questions before you sign.

The travel options are endless

From isolated holidays, car excursions to virtual travel, the pandemic reignited old and new travel forms that many travellers couldn’t wait to try. Staycations, something that didn’t appeal to me pre-Covid-19, helped me satisfy my wanderlust.


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