The Christian community must support Moesha – NGO


Actor and host of ‘What Don’t You Know’, Nana Gyasi Owusu, has entreated Christians to welcome Moesha Budoung and assist the actress in diverse ways following her decision to ditch worldly things for Christ.

The witty show host opines that it is imperative Moesha is given a warm reception and guidance as her predicaments soar, stressing that consequently, she would feel a sense of belongingness and not miss her days as an unbeliever.

“Since she has now repented and converted to Christianity, it should be a sense of joy and pride for the Christian community; they must take responsibility of her by showing more support and guidance,” NGO, as he is affectionately called, said on Adom TV.

A few weeks ago, Moesha announced she had seen Christ. It was later reported that she almost committed suicide as she was being haunted by spirits.

“I don’t have anything in my account. I have sold my car; I was even walking to go pick trotro… I was walking to go pick Bolt. I don’t have anything, I have given it out,” she said in one of her videos.

“See me, the way I am looking but me looking like this, I am happier than those days that you see me in driving Range Rover, travelling. I was not real, I was not a happy child,” she revealed.

Moesha’s conversion has elicited reactions from several quarters. A number of celebrities have expressed worry and have called on the general public to pray for the actress. Some have also urged the family to consider the mental health of their beloved.


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