‘Who Are You to Judge Moesha’- Kwaku Manu Tackle Naysayers (Watch)


Bob Cigar (Kwaku Manu) has added his voice to the topical buzz surrounding actress and slay queen Moesha Boduong who shocked Ghanaians recently by saying she has surrendered her life to Christ.

Kwaku Manu on his Aggresive Talk show on YouTube said no one should ridicule Moesha or judge her for becoming a born-again Christian. He broke down his argument by saying;

“God is happy when a soul repents, even if it’s just one but some men are unhappy about her repentance.

Their targets have failed. Some rich men who are even living overseas are planning to pay so much just to get her in their bed. This is because they just want to have the bragging right of sleeping with the actress.

Others even go mad just at the sight of her or even chance on her pictures, she has that command over men and because of this, they cannot accept that she has repented. In this life, God can save just anybody. If God was able to rescue Saul, then he can save anybody.”

Kwaku Manu further added; “It’s not out of her own will that she’s saying those things. She is been pushed by something. She needs her family now more than ever.

Besides she has never neglected her family. She proudly shows them off every time. They should get close to her as soon as possible. It is quite unfortunate that when things like this happen, you lose most of your friends.”

SOURCE: www.Ghgossip.com



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