DVLA, Police Tackle Traffic Infractions


The COMPLIANCE and Enforcement Department of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) and the Motor Transport and Traffic Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service, in a bid to tackle traffic infractions on our roads, has commenced a special operation in various parts of Accra.

Officials from the DVLA and MTTD last Friday stormed the Awudome road in Accra where they inspected vehicles for various details.

The exercise saw the taskforce apprehend a total of 61 vehicles falling short of various traffic regulations, including six of them having expired DP plates; eight having embellished number plates; and 23 cars not having roadworthy stickers.

Four vehicles were also impounded having late validation; one with a fake license; two drivers found indulging in indiscipline driving; and 13 cars having tainted glasses.

Three pickup vehicles were found to have undergone physical conversion without prior approval and documentation from the DVLA.

Drivers whose vehicles did not have insurance stickers on them were compelled to paste them on their windscreens while those found with fake or embellished number plates had them [the number plates] seized.

Speaking to journalists shortly after the exercise, Joseph Clifford Bosu, Deputy Director, Driver, Training, Testing and Licensing (DTTL), DVLA said the exercise is designed “for us to ensure that vehicles plying our roads conform to road regulations, and if they are not, we enforce the law.”

“We have seen that most vehicle owners had altered the physical outlook of their number plates by having foreign colours on them. It is against the law, it is a security threat and it also obscures the details of the plate.

“We are here to announce to the general public that those who are fond of adding other colours to the number plates we give them should desist from such acts else when we get hold of them, we will send them to court,” he cautioned.

He added that the exercise will not be limited to only the Awudome road as the team would be visiting various places to carry out the exercise.

By Nii Adjei Mensahfio



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