2-year-old boy with hernia turned away at Nsawam govt hospital


The Nsawam Government HospitalThe Nsawam Government Hospital

The father of a two-year-old boy is demanding disciplinary action against the Nsawam Government Hospital for refusing to attend to his son, who is currently suffering from a hernia.

Mr. Benjamin Bediako told ‘Nyankonton Mu Nsem’ on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm that the minor was turned down at the hospital due to the lack of beds.

In his narration, he accused the hospital of negligence since they refused to attend to his son, who was in severe pain.

The aggrieved father said they were referred to the Nsawam Government Hospital after they had sent the boy to the Adeiso Health Centre.

According to him, not even a plea from the emergency personnel from the Ambulance Service could make the doctors on duty attend to the boy.

He further revealed his son was vomiting at the time the doctor was engaging the Ambulance Service.

He said they had to go back to the Adeiso Health Centre and demanded another referral to a different health facility.

But the facility insisted it was only the Nsawam Hospital they could refer them.

The facility then asked them to send the minor to the St. Dominic Health Centre, a private health facility without an ambulance.

The father said they took his son to the centre as advised.

After examination, the facility has agreed to operate on the boy on July 30, 2021.

However, they did not give us any medication, and my son is still in pain.

According to him, when the boy is in pain, it takes between 4 to 7 hours before the pain would subdue.

He is now seeking emergency treatment for his son and a punishment for the Nsawam Government Hospital.


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