Jam Master Jay killed Kaakie’s passion for music; he should allow Kaakie to perform her songs – Ruthy » ™


Many seem to wonder what has happened to the dying music career of dancehall diva Kaakie after quitting Xtra Large record label.

Some people have sought to lay blame for a clause in the contract Kaakie signed with Jam Master Jay, CEO of Xtra Large record label which prevents her from using music produced under the label.

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And it’s at the back of this that Ruthy of Nhyira 104.5 FM fame has advised that it’s high time Jam Master Jay considered allowing Kaakie to perform the very songs she dropped during her stint with Xtra Large .

Taking to Facebook, she posted that; “

Quick One on my #WcW

Kaakie rocked shoulders with the men boot for boot in reference to chart-topping and quality music. She’s the reason why Shatta Wale brought The Dome auditorium into a standstill somewhere 2013.

Kaakie was simply the icing on cake in Ghana music industry between 2012-2017 kind courtesy the able hands of Jam Master Jay (JMJ) of Xtra Large (XLM).

But someway somehow, the blistering and promising career of Kaakie has faded away completely from the industry.

As when she decided to part ways with Jam Master Jay’s record label somewhere May 2019, JMJ took every single track produced under his watch at Xtra Large leaving Kaakie with “0” track, unless tracks she recorded on her own if any”!!

Kaakie was and still a fine artiste who defined to most Ghanaians that, “Dancehall is not for the male artistes”!! Since she was signed under Extra Large owned by JMJ, she proved to many Ghanaians that she’s a Pro in-terms of Dancehall music.

But I believe we can’t sit down and allow Kaakie to “die” with her talent. So, Kaakie and JMJ should patch their differences so that Kaakie will be allowed to perform the hit songs she released under Xtra Large .

On the extreme, #LegendarySamini should sit with JMJ so they meet Kaakie and team (if there is), as this incident “killed the passion” she had for music.


#Ruthy writes✍🏻


Jam Master Jay killed Kaakie’s passion for music – Ruthy


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