Police will act on Concourt decision against Jacob Zuma, says Minister Cele


By Mayibongwe Maqhina Time of article publishedJun 29, 2021

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Police Minister Bheki Cele said on Tuesday the law enforcement agencies would act on the instructions of the Constitutional Court if former president Jacob Zuma did not hand himself over to the police within five working days.

Cele made the comment when asked during a media briefing where he and other ministers serving in the National Coronavirus Command Council outlined measures to ensure compliance to the regulations in the fight against the spread of Covid-19.

“The judgment came about an hour ago and made it clear that the former president has five days to respond to the decision made by the court.

“The instruction is going to be the national commissioner and the Minister of Police to act – that will be within three days after five days have lapsed,” he said. “We are instructed by a court and when the court instructs law enforcement agencies, we have to act.”

Cele said the matter of him and National Police Commissioner Khehla Sitole acting on the judgment was not on the table at the moment

“We have five days going forward,” he added.

The Constitutional Court found Zuma guilty of contempt of court and sentenced him to 15 months’ imprisonment.

The court ordered that he should hand himself over to the police in Nkandla or Johannesburg within five days to ensure he was sent to prison.

It said should Zuma not hand over himself to the police within the five working days, Cele and the national commissioner should take steps to arrest him and take him to prison.


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