Hundreds Of Shatta Wale Fans Unfollow Him For Saying They Are Educated Idiots For Advocating For FixTheCountry Campaign » ™


Controversial self-acclaimed Dancehall King Shatta Wale has landed in trouble after he went “crazy” on Facebook today posting all kinds of insults.

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In the series of posts on his Facebook page, Shatta Wale hurled insults at the youth for fighting for their rights and forcing the Government to stop the police and Millitary from killing innocent citizens.

He refered to those using the fix the country hashtag as a bunch of educated idiots. As if that is not enough, Shatta Wale decided to add salt to injury by admonishing the youth to fix themselves and leave the Politicians alone.

Shatta Wale went ahead to say that the problem in the country is the youth and not the Politicians so the Youth should fix their attitude. These comments angered a lot of people who decided to unfollow him till he starts being reasonable.

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