Police arrest brother of murdered activist Macho Kaaka


Macho's death triggered protest at EjuraMacho’s death triggered protest at Ejura

• Macho Kaaka’s brother has been arrested in connection with the attack that led to his death

• A family member claims he is still in the grips of the police

• Macho Kaaka died on June 29, 2021

The Ashanti Regional Police Command have picked up the brother of the late social activist Ibrahim Mohammed alias Macho Kaaka.

Class FM reports that Iddi Mohammed who is an elder brother of the deceased campaigner was arrested today, June 30, 2021.

The report cites another brother with the name Maawuya Ibrahim as the one who confirmed the arrest of Iddi Mohammed.

Maawuya according to the report said that his enquiries from the police revealed that a statement has been made against him by an informant that he was involved in the lynching of Ibrahim Mohammed.

He said Iddi Mohammed is currently in the grips of the police, assisting in investigations.

The arrest of Iddi Mohammed brings to three the number of people who have so far been apprehended by the police in connection with the mob attack on the late Ibrahim Mohammed.

ASP Ahianyo, the Public Relations Officer of the Ashanti Regional Police Command said at a press conference on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 that Ibrahim Issaka also known as Anyass and Fuseini Alhassan were picked up on Monday, June 28, 2021 around 10:45pm.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has also issued a statement, ordering the Interior Minister to investigate the matter and ensure that justice is served.

“The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has instructed the Minister for Interior, Hon. Ambrose Dery, MP, to conduct forthwith, a public inquiry into the circumstances that led to the unfortunate occurrences of Tuesday, June 29, 2021. The Interior Minister is to provide a detailed report from the Inquiry with recommendations for appropriate action within 10 days, ie. By July 9, 2021 to President Akufo-Addo,” part of the statement read.

“The President is deeply saddened by the deaths of Ibrahim Mohammed, Abdul Nasi Yussif and Murtala Mohammed. He extends sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes the injured a speedy recovery,” it added.

Macho Kaaka died on Monday, June 28, three days after he was attacked by a mob at Ejura. His death led to a protest at the town which resulted in the killing of another two by personnel from the Ghana Armed Forces.


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