Lupita Nyong’o’s workout routine revealed


By Viwe Ndongeni-Ntlebi Time of article publishedJun 17, 2021

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Oscar winning actress Lupita Nyong’o’s body is amazing.

Many people have been obsessing about her strong look and ability to always look film-ready over the years.

Judging by her jaw-dropping ability to play characters that display strength, Lupita has been putting in serious training work..

However, she has just revealed that she had fallen off the fitness bandwagon. In an Instagram video, the star said, “fitness was once my friend.”

But she also said that she is back at it. “Getting reacquainted and loving it. But the junk stays in the trunk,” she said.

Lupita has the arms that most of the ladies especially those in showbiz, want to have any day.

Anyone who is looking for the strong yet feminine look for arms can take notes from Lupita.

When she shared her workout regime that helps her maintain those arms, it included exercises such as tricep pushdowns, 1 set of 12-15 rep.

The second type of arm exercise that the star performs is the dumb-bell lateral raise. She does this in a set of 12-15 rep.

To prepare for her action-packed role as Nakia the Wakandan spy, Lupita had to follow a nutritionist-designed regimen, full of lean proteins and healthy carbs.

“It was only once we wrapped that I realised I was on a sugar-free diet,” Lupita told ESSENCE, while highly praising personal chef Brandi Patten, whom Marvel hired. “We could have fruit, which is a good sugar, but no fructose or refined sugar.”

“But we could have carbs, which are good when you work out as much as we did, and we weren’t eating less,” Lupita adds.

“We actually had to eat smaller meals every three hours. I never got bored. I’ve never worked on a project like this where there is a diet and a workout plan.”

She also revealed that she does not need a cup of coffee or tea to start her day as her exercise is the key to her good morning.

But also adds that she hates going to the gym and does all the exercises at home.


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