Justice Zondo warns Jared Watson over ’threatening gesture’ to inquiry witness


Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has issued a stern warning to Jared Watson – the nephew and executor of controversial businessman Gavin Watson’s estate – after he allegedly gestured in a threatening manner to a witness during state capture proceedings on Thursday.

The commission is currently hearing evidence from Bosasa’s former head of special operations, Richard le Roux, while he is being cross-examined by the legal representatives of former procurement head at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), Mbulelo Gingcana.

While giving evidence, Le Roux abruptly stopped speaking and informed Justice Zondo that he was being intimidated by someone sitting in the public gallery.

He told the commission that Watson, who was sitting ahead of him, was “staring him down” and gesturing at him in an intimidating way while he gave evidence.

“I dont want to answer any more questions. I’m not comfortable carrying on like this,” Le Roux said.

He has been answering questions regarding his allegations that security upgrades were done at Gingcana’s home and funded by Bosasa to ensure it enjoyed preference in tender contracts. Le Roux had previously told the commission he fitted the security upgrades, said to cost approximately R239 486.

“No one must communicate anything to the witness while the witness is giving evidence. That mustn’t be done. It’s interfering with the evidence of the witness and it mustn’t happen again.

“The witness must give evidence as he understands it to be true and correct and anybody who doesn’t agree with it, they can exercise whatever rights they have, but the witness must be allowed to give his evidence freely. I will not allow anybody in this room to interfere with a witness.

“Anyone who does it again will be thrown out,” Zondo warned.

Political Bureau


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