Motorbikes By-laws Coming –


THE GREATER Accra Regional Minister, Henry Quartey, has announced that arrangements are being put in place to pass a bye-law onthe use of motorbikes in the local assemblies within the Greater Accra Region.

The by-law will also seek to empower local assembly members within the region to go round and inspect the frontages of households, business centres, markets and principal streets, among others, to ensure sanity under the ‘Operation Clean Your Frontage’ campaign.

At an engagement with local assembly members in Accra on Monday, the Regional Minister explained that the move, which is part of his flagship ‘Let’s Make Accra Work’ campaign, aims to improve upon the sanitation situation in the city while checking on indiscipline on roads.


The bye-law, he explained, will regulate the use of motorbikes in the region with a view of ensuring compliance to traffic regulations.

According to the Regional Minister, the Regional Security Council has met and taken decisions on regulations for motorbike users in the region, including the licensing of riders, use of helmets as well as registration and insurance of motorbikes.

“We are not saying that motorbike riders should be harassed but what we are saying is that going forward, all motorbike riders are to ensure that their motorbikes are properly registered and insured; the riders are licensed and they must also put on helmets when riding.

“No motor rider is supposed to carry more than two persons. If you do so then you know it is an offence.

“Riders must also respect and abide by all traffic regulations in Accra. Red means red. You don’t have to go through it,” Mr. Quartey admonished.

Asked whether the new directives were in a way a sign of legalising commercial motorbike usage popularly known as okada’, the Regional Minister iterated that the new directives should not be confused as a step to legalise‘okada’, saying, “Let us not veer into that kind of controversy.”

“The challenge we are having in the Greater Accra Region is that motor riders are not respecting traffic regulations. They have to abide them [the regulations]. It’s not about okada. I’m not legalisingokada. Don’t get me wrong, please,” he stressed.


“Under the ‘Operation Clean Your Frontage’ campaign, the Assemblies will also ensure that markets, principal streets, business places, commercial centres and households are kept clean.Officials will go round and if they find the frontage of any structure not clean, they fine the owners,” the Minister disclosed.

“Strict enforcements must be applied and I know that within the shortest possible time when all these laws are passed, we will spring into action,” he added.

By Nii Adjei Mensahfio




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