Man With Cereberal Palsy Ventures into Tech Space 


Selorm Tsivanyo at the Training Programme

In an attempt to change the fortunes of his life, a 32-year-old man with Cerebral Palsy has defied all odds against him to venture into entrepreneurship.

For Selorm Tsivanyo, he will not allow the limitations in his physical movement compound his situation and consign him to poverty and self pity as has been the case of some people he knew.

To this end, he has signed up for an intensive training program in business and technical skills from Ho Node Hub, a Digital Innovation Company.

Selorm, who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at an early age, is a native of Abutia in the Ho West District of the Volta region.

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that primarily affects body movement and muscle coordination. Thus, it is a neurological disorder caused by a non-progressive brain injury or malformation that occurs while the child’s brain is under development.

As a result of his condition, Selorm could not have access to formal education like many of his age. Thus, he did not get the necessary help in accessing formal education, as he needed special care.

That notwithstanding, he took to apprenticeship for years to train as a shoe maker, a vocation he had pursued all his life as a livelihood. He however believed that his potentials were more than meets the eye.

He told Daily Guide that in fulfilment of his name ‘Tsivanyo’, translated as ‘Getting better with age’, he joined a host of other young trainees to acquire digital and entrepreneurial skills to build innovative products to better himself and get the best out of life.

The ongoing Pre-Mest program is one of 2 programs being run by Ho Node Hub. The program is aimed at empowering young people with innovative skills, an inclusive working space and guidance towards establishing viable and sustainable ventures.

The projects created by the trainees are packaged and pitched to investors to help raise the project from the drawing board into a reality.

Selorm is staying true to his first name which translates, ‘God Loves Me’ and is optimistic that he will succeed.

He said, “since I was 18, I have been repairing shoes, but I see a brighter future for myself and so I will do all I can to acquire the needed skills to become a big time entrepreneur and employ many.”

Selorm is inspired by software Engineer, Farida Bedwei, who was also diagnosed with cerebral palsy at age one.

The success stories of Farida and Selorm reiterates the call for all and sundry to ensure an inclusive society is created globally to give everyone equal opportunity to shine and impact the world as is envisaged by the Sustainable Development Goals.

Courage Asase, the Managing Director of Ho Node Hub commended Selorm for his determination. He said the Hub is open to all who are willing and ready.

“This is because the ‘Tech and Innovation Space’ operates with a no-limit boundary and provides several opportunities for everyone to fill its digital and tech innovations gap.”

“We understand that today’s society must strive to create even platform for all persons to access their gifts and talents.

That’s a major motivation that binds us to chart a path of more inclusive society “

He added that tech and digital space is fertile ground for all people and talents to blossom.

He therefore encouraged all young people in the Volta Region and beyond to take advantage of the many training programs and services of the Ho Node Hub so they can create their own jobs instead of hunting for jobs that are not available.

Ho Node Hub which was established in 2017 to provide enterprise support and skills development has equipped a lot of young people with innovative and digital skills required for Tech-based start ups.

From Fred Duodu, Ho ([email protected]


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