Plus size lady recounts suicide thoughts due to weight


Tabloid News of Tuesday, 8 June 2021



Abigail Namoose with SVTV's DJ Nyamiplay videoAbigail Namoose with SVTV’s DJ Nyami

Entrepreneur, Abigail Namoose has shared with SVTV Africa the discrimination against plus size women in Ghana and how she became suicidal.

In an exclusive with DJ Nyaami, Abigail indicated that plus size women go through a lot of unfair practices that make them depressed.

“The facial expression and non-verbal cues alone can be depressing. It puts your spirit down. I sit in a ‘trotro’ (commercial vehicle) and all the other seats are full but mine isn’t. It hurts. I sometimes go back home and cry,” she disclosed.

Speaking on the consequences of such encounters, Abigail revealed that she had suicidal thoughts severally but could not go through with it.

“I was dating by then. Things were not going well and I thought committing suicide was the best option. I could stay indoors and cry for days so I thought I should rather choose suicide, Abigail recalled.

Kindly watch the full interview below;


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