Population and Housing Census: Get counted – Suhum MP urges constituents


Oboafo Kwadjo Asante has admonished his constituents to participate fully in this year’s nationwide population and housing census

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Suhum Constituency, Oboafo Kwadjo Asante, has admonished his constituents to participate fully in this year’s nationwide population and housing census which will soon commence across all the regions in the country.

The Suhum MP has, for some weeks now, been embarking on a community visitation to thank the people for their support during the 2020 general election and also to account for happenings in Parliament in the first quarter of 2021.

It was during his visit that he used the opportunity of meeting his constituents to educate them on the need for them to be counted and be cooperative with officers of the exercise.

According to Mr Asante, the exercise is done every decade (10 years) to know the population growth of the nation and adjust in terms of the development of communities.

The last national population census exercise was done in 2010 and was expected to be done last year (2020). The MP explained that the global pandemic, covid-19 led to its postponement to be carried out this year.

Responding to some constituents’ request for the Electoral Commission (EC) to consider creating of polling stations in their community, the MP reiterated the need for his constituents to get themselves involved in this all-important national exercise which is one of the factors to persuade the EC to create a new polling station.

He educated constituents on factors considered in the creation of new polling stations which include an increase in the population of a community and so entreated them to ensure that everyone is counted.

The MP, in his community tour, was accompanied by the constituency New Patriotic Party Chairman, Frederick Ofosu, constituency executives, opinion leaders and assembly members of the various electoral areas.


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