Phoenix twins graduate cum laude at UKZN, dedicate their degree to dad who passed away


By IOL Reporter Time of article published29m ago

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Durban – It was a bitter sweet moment for a set of Phoenix twins this week who graduated cum laude with Bachelor of Education degrees from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Twenty-two-year-old twins Sonil and Sajil Ramharak, while ecstatic about their results, did not have their father with them as he had passed away earlier this year.

However, they dedicated their degree in memory of their father.

They described their results as their most significant academic achievement to date and had already registered for their Honours degree in Education at UKZN.

“We are inseparable, doing everything together and being with each other all the time, so it made sense that we’d do the same degree,” said Sajil.

“Life has a funny way of making sure that we do things together. This degree has been no different.”

Sonil, the older of the two, added, “We would always help each other study for tests and share notes after lectures. It’s magical and unbelievable to share this experience with my sister. There’s nothing quite like having your twin by your side through everything.”

The twins are passionate about education and teaching, both choosing to study for a degree in the profession.

“We want to help shape and mould young people. There’s no greater joy than being able to help,” said Sajil.

Sonil added, “We were really under pressure to complete all our modules on time so we could graduate together. We finally did! And it feels so amazing. I love my sister and I am so glad we are on this academic journey together.”

They thanked their family and friends for the ongoing support and encouragement and advised other students to work hard, stay motivated and pursue their post-graduate studies.


Credit IOL


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