I was stigmatized, disowned by family members for participating in Date Rush – Ali


Ali was a participant in TV3' s Date Rush reality showplay videoAli was a participant in TV3′ s Date Rush reality show

• According to Ali, some family members have deserted him over his decision to participate in TV3 Date Rush program

• He added that such criticisms from relatives have not in any way deterred him from pursuing his dreams

• Ali believes that participating in the Date Rush show has been one of his best decisions

Popular Date Rush contestant Ali has disclosed that some of his family members have cut ties with him due to his decision to contest in the Date Rush reality show.

According to him, these people are of the view that participating in such a show goes against the dictates of Islam.

“My family have always warned me not to venture into the entertainment industry. Even when I started acting at an early age, my parents on several occasions threatened to disown me if I don’t stop. Up until now some of my family members are not happy I participated in Date Rush. They have refused to talk to me and have cut every means of communication with me,” he told Elsie Lamar on GhanaWeb’s Talkertainment show.

“The first day my mother saw me on stage, she called to query me about participating in such a show. She asked why I would go on National Television to search for a woman. Unfortunately for me, the show was airing during Ramadan season and she asked why I would choose to do that in a holy month. She didn’t know it was recorded,” he added.

Ali noted further that even though he has been hurt by the harsh treatment meted out to him, he has not in any way regretted his decision to participate in the show.

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