Ghanaian US-based rapper Onyansapow addresses societal ills with ‘Fix It’


US-based Ghanaian rapper, Onyansapow Bowaanopowplay videoUS-based Ghanaian rapper, Onyansapow Bowaanopow

Following the #FixTheCountry protest the country witnessed recently, Ghanaian rapper Onyansapow Bowaanopow has released a song in that regard.

Titled ‘Fix It’ the song is in line with calls for the government to fix Ghana’s ‘broken’ economy.

It also speaks about the daily struggles of Ghanaians and also speaks truth to power.

Onyansapow reiterated the need for relevant authorities to ease the struggles of the ordinary Ghanaian by fixing the system.

Touching further, he also hinted that his single, We Move, and its corresponding video would be among the hottest songs Ghanaians have ever experienced.


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