Xbox says their Game Pass will play a big part in gamers’ lives


By Bang Showbiz Time of article published23m ago

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Xbox believe their Game Pass will become a “central aspect of people’s gaming lives”.

Research about the Xbox Game Pass – which has over 100 games at the user’s disposable – has revealed that most people have purchased the Pass in order to get games as soon as they come out, according to Ben Decker, Xbox’s head of gaming services.

Decker said: “We’re coming out with this research to explore how people are using Game Pass and how it is contributing to behaviours and it really reinforces a lot of things that we’ve heard from our members … There are three big things that we hear from members that were reflected in the surveys. The first is that when we ask, ‘what do you want out of Game Pass’, the number one thing, as always, is ‘games’; ‘games, games, games!’ And if you look at the research, nearly 60% say that one of the main reasons they are a member is because of the variety of content.”

Decker is hopeful for the future of the Game Pass.

“55% of those surveyed said a main reason that they joined is to get new games at release – that day one content. That’s why we made the investments that we have. We have 23 studios across Xbox and Bethesda, working on Halo, Forza, Fallout, and new IP that we haven’t even talked about yet that’s gonna blow your mind. We can deliver all of that into Game Pass on day one.”

BANG ShowBiz Gaming


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