Former MP sends strong message to Health Minister over death of …


Minister for Health, Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu
Minister for Health, Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu

Former Tema East Member of Parliament (MP), Nii Titus-Glover, wants heads to roll within the health sector following the death of a 12-year-old boy over the lack of bed and ambulance delay.

According to him, the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyemang-Manu, should not to sit aloof but immediately investigate the issue.

Speaking on Adom TV’s Badwam show, Mr Titus-Glover stressed the issue must not be treated lightly to serve as deterrence to others ‘playing’ on the job.

He added the circumstances must be heavily condemned and the persons involved made to answer with sanctions applied where necessary.

“The MP and the family did all they could but poor communication brought about the death. People need to be sanctioned seriously because at the end of the day, the government of the day will be blamed to fix it.

“Whoever is in charge at 37, the ambulance service and all others involved must be made to answer and for Korle-Bu, they should have at least allowed the boy to be brought in before discussing issues with bed,” he said.

His comment comes on the back of a 12-year-old boy who died at the Battor Catholic Church while receiving treatment after falling from a mango tree.

According to Michelle Nartey, his father and an Assembly Member at Ningo Prampram, the boy was admitted at the facility where preliminary examinations including x-rays were conducted.


However, there was the need for him to be referred to either Korle-Bu or 37 for further treatment as the condition was deteriorating but when they placed a call to Korle-Bu, they were told there was no bed, hence the boy could not be admitted.

Fast forward, calls were also made to the 37 Military Hospital where they agreed to the transfer but their biggest hurdle was an ambulance to facilitate the transfer.

After hours of waiting, the ambulance service never showed up over claims that they were awaiting confirmation from 37.

A delay which he said led to the boy’s death at about 9:00pm.


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