Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu’s weight loss journey


By Viwe Ndongeni-Ntlebi Time of article published5m ago

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Noeleen Maholwana-Sangqu has been keeping fit and losing weight.

The former talk-show host is working hard to maintain her look. She often posts pictures of herself at the gym on Instagram and shares the importance of exercising.

She once posted a picture of herself from years ago and even poked fun at herself.

“Please don’t laugh. Me on the left 4 years ago and me this year. #fat must fall. How could I?”

Over the years, Maholwana-Sangqu has been vocal about her weight battles and how determined she was to live a healthier life.

The results speak for themselves.

Although she is not one of those who share before and after pictures, we still see the difference on her timeline.

Maholwana-Sanqgqu is so dedicated to her new lifestyle, on days she doesn’t feel like going to the gym, she runs around the block or she does stairs as her “cheat gym’’

Here are some moments with Maholwana-Sangqu at the gym to help you get motivated with your own journey.

I can’t wait for the day when I’ll be able to do this exercise without stopping to catch my breath:

Trying to say goodbye to the wrinkly,wobbly arms:

I wasn’t up to training with my coach today so I decided to take a little walk:

I showed up. That’s the important thing is consistency:

I couldn’t complete my upper body training today because of a slight shoulder problem.

Coach then decided to make me do cardio when my shoulder started paining


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