NPP man descends on celebrities over #FixTheCountry campaign


Entertainment of Saturday, 8 May 2021



Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghanaplay videoNana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana

Ghanaians have since the beginning of the week embarked on a social media campaign calling for good and responsible governance and in what appears to be a response from the government quarters, there was a counter-campaign calling on the citizenry to rather fix themselves including their attitude.

Side by side, the two campaigns have trended throughout the week with the country almost sharply divided between the two sides.

Some celebrities who share in the sentiments of the general public have jumped to call out the government.

By their decision to join the #FixTheCountry campaign, some celebrities incurred the wrath of a vicious member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Ernest Owusu Bempah who also doubles as the Public Relations Officer of the Ghana Gas Company.

He described the celebrities as “social misfits and drunkards who have assumed a role beyond what they qualify for, thus attempting to teach the president how to govern.”

As to whether it is to #FixTheNation first or #FixYourself first or whether the attack on the celebrities is warranted or not, Abrantepa hosted Nana Romeo and Nana Yaw, all of the Ghanaian blogging fraternity to table the issues for discussion on #BloggersForum.

Enjoy the show below:


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