Watch out for Kwadee’s gospel – Morris Baby Face hints


Entertainment of Friday, 7 May 2021



Musician Okomfuor KwadeeMusician Okomfuor Kwadee

Legendary music producer, sound engineer and singer Morris Baby Face, whose real name is Max Morris Twumasi, has disclosed that Okomfuor Kwadee is the deepest and funniest artiste he has ever recorded.

The producer, who is now an evangelist, made this revelation known in an interview with Tony Best on Akoma FM’s Kwantenpon Drive on Thursday, May 6.

“The first time we met in a studio to record him should be around the late 2000 or early 2001. I asked him to sing the song for me to hear before I programme the beat and I laughed uncontrollably after hearing a few lines of the song. The lines were humorous yet very deep and educative,” Morris said.

“Okomfuor’s rap skill and his understanding of music was so unique and had that indigenous touch and I was so shocked to be told that he was from the northern part of Ghana and yet could maneuver his way easily with the Akan-Twi language,” he added.

When asked whether or not he would produce secular musicians, he said the only songs he produces now are purely gospel and will only produce for others if the content of the song is gospel-related.

“I’m working with Okomfuor Kwadee on a few Gospel tracks and people should be on a lookout for them,” Morris disclosed.


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