Branding FixTheCountry convenors NDC an insult to celebrities, others– Sammy Gyamfi


National Communication Officer of the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi

National Communications Officer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has reacted to claims that those calling on government to ‘FixTheCountry’ are members of the party.

Sammy Gyamfi said the claim that the NDC is behind the social media campaign is borne of malice and an insult to the integrity of the group, made up of celebrities and Ghanaian youth.

The NDC man was reacting to comments made by National Chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) about the planned demonstration by the group on May 9, 2021.

Freddie Blay said though concerns raised are legitimate, the NDC is using the FixTheCountry campaign to make the Akufo-Addo administration unpopular.

In a riposte, Mr Gyamfi said the NPP is shifting blame due to the momentum the FixTheCountry’ campaign gained in a short time.

He indicated that the conduct of the NPP Chairman and government appointees is enough attestation that, they don’t appreciate the magnitude of the problem “we are talking about.

“Those voicing out are not politicians but ordinary people venting their spleen on problems created by bad leaders,” the NDC man said on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Thursday.

Mr Gyamfi maintained that, the FixTheCountry’ “is an organic spontaneous movement by Ghanaian youth who can no longer bare the suffering under President Akufo-Addo.”

He vowed the NDC will reject any plan to prevent the group from exercising their fundamental human rights.


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