Stop Issuing Statements, Do Your Job, NEF Charges Buhari


Coup Scare: Stop Issuing Statements, Do Your Job, NEF Charges Buhari
Hakeem Baba-Ahmed

The Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to step up and perform the factions for which he was elected.

The secretary of the organisation, Hakeem Baba-Ahmed stated this in an interview, with The PUNCH, in Abuja, on Wednesday.

He gave this comment following an alarm raised by the Presidency alleging that it had uncovered a plot by unnamed persons, to engineer an unconstitutional take over of the Buhari regime.

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Baba-Ahmed said, “This is a very serious statement to make. We are talking of treason here. The Presidency has a duty to arrest and expose who it suspects are involved in this, instead of releasing statements that merely compound our very high levels of concern.

“This is not just about President Buhari. It is about our rights to choose who leads us. It is, to say the least, irresponsible to release these kinds of statements instead of taking steps to bring subversives and treason to book.”


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