No #FixtheCountry protest – Court issues restraining order on planned demo


A photograph of the flag of Ghana and a face of child weepingA photograph of the flag of Ghana and a face of child weeping

An Accra High Court has issued a restraining order to the conveners of the #Fixthecountry protest.

The group earmarked May 9, 2021, to embark on a demonstration to express their grievances and petition the government to work on developing the nation as they have started on social media.

But in a recent court order issued by Justice Ruby Aryeetey, the slated date for the demonstration “will not happen until all restrictions on public gatherings are lifted” in the country.

According to the court, its decision follows an affidavit filed by the Assistant Commissioner of Police Benjamin Osei Addae, against conveners of the #FixtheCountry protest march pursuant to section (16) of the Public Order Act, 1995 (491).

Meanwhile, the Accra Regional Police Command is calling on the general public and organizers of the protest to adhere to the restriction order from the court.

Read the full court order below:


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