Efia Odo Shades Ghanaians Who Are Not Part Of The #FixTheCountry Protest


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The #FixTheCountry protest is a hashtag that was started earlier this morning as an online protest against the government on its abysmal performance. Most Ghanaians who joined the hashtag on the various social media platforms expressed how they are disappointed in the Akufo-Addo led administration.

Most people stated they had high hopes in this government during the 2016 presidential and parliamentary general election campaign season with the numerous promises they promised Ghanains. But it seems the government ‘lied’ in its campaign.

Efia Odo who has been tweeting and championing the protest which has been trending on micro blogging site Twitter all day started she is help that at least the youth of this country are standing up against the bad leadership in this country.

She added she is willing and ready to take the protest from just a hashtag on Twitter to protesting on the streets with the youths to express their frustrations and disappointment in the Akufo-Addo led administration.

In a new tweet, the social media influencer has stated that every Ghanaian who has come across the #FixTheCountry hashtag protest and has ignored it is also part of the numerous problems in the country.

If you’re a Ghanaian and you’re not a part of #FixTheCountry movement then you’re also part of the problem.

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SOURCE: GhGossip.com


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