Look: Stranded bobcat rescued from atop New Mexico utility pole


Authorities in Dona Ana County, N.M., worked with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the El Paso Electric Company to rescue a bobcat seen stranded at the top of a utility pole. Photo courtesy of Dona Ana County

Authorities in Dona Ana County, N.M., worked with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the El Paso Electric Company to rescue a bobcat seen stranded at the top of a utility pole. Photo courtesy of Dona Ana County

April 29 (UPI) — Authorities in New Mexico worked together with a power company to rescue a bobcat seen stranded at the top of a utility pole.

Dona Ana County said residents reported a bobcat was stranded atop the electric pole in the Topaz Road area and officials determined the animal needed help to safely get back to the ground.

The county worked together with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and the El Paso Electric Company to devise a rescue strategy.

“The county recognized that this situation was an ongoing public safety concern. The bobcat did not seem interested in leaving its perch or was too scared to do so,” County Manager Fernando Macias said in a statement.

The county deployed a Facilities and Parks Department bucket truck and EPE officials had the power to the lines running to the pole temporarily shut off during the rescue. Officials said 42 customers were without power for less than an hour during the operation.

“The operation went well, especially considering how quickly it came together,” said Sgt. Chris Ortega of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. “I’m humbled by the number of people that were willing to assist our department in our efforts to safely remove the animal.”

The bobcat was safely removed from the pole and released in the Lake Valley area, near Hillsboro in the Gila National Forest.


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